My mom is like the mildest of the mildest narcissists, and the most self-sacrificing but I still think she’s a narcissist

She’s super covert and subtle, although her “mask” sometimes slips and she has a freakout where she curses us our kids. Most of her work (the evil work, evil deeds, I mean) is done through “negelect”. Like, she won’t tell me that the golden child has a graduation.
She’ll also do stuff like look at me as if I have killed someone, when I admit a tiny mistake like buying some sugary cereal for kids that my niece then liked (my sister who is a mom gave it to her) — mom was wanting energy, attention, she was envious over the great conversation and flow I was having with my sister, so she just picked something to do that. Most of what she does is compare me to others, and saying through tone of voice how they are much better. I just discovered a site that has a text that describes it so well how she is even though she is a bit milder.
The main thing is, even if she were not a narcissist, or whatever, even if it’s all in my head: this person seems to singularly eat up my self-esteem and prevent my from learning certain normal things that are a part of normal adult independence.

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